Monday, March 3, 2008

Microsoft CRM 4.0 Launch Event - In Your Home Town?

I know you've missed me so here's the top three on why it's been so long since my last post:

1) I decided to change my focus to an application even cooler Microsoft Dynamics CRM
2) My girlfriend hates it when I use weekends to write blog posts
3) Prospect and customer interest in the new version of Microsoft CRM is totally gangbusters

Well, let me clarify...

1) There actually is no application cooler than Microsoft Dynamics CRM (unless you are comparing version 4.0 to 3.0)
2) We never hang out near a computer so hating isn't even possible
3) It's truly like I said it: Prospect and customer interest in Microsoft CRM 4.0 is gangbusters

I'm serious... Navint has got something like 10 active Microsoft CRM projects going on since the beginning of 2008.

So if you have some time and you want to check out what all the new-CRM-version-commotion is about, come hang out with your favorite Navinteer at any of the following Microsoft Dynamics CRM Launch events:

March 5 - Rochester, NY**
March 18 - New York, NY
March 18 - Los Angeles, CA
March 19 - Hartford, CT**
March 20 - Boston, MA
March 20 - Huntington Beach, CA

Because the two are designed to work well teogether, the dates/locations marked above with a ** will have a Microsoft CRM 4.0 with SharePoint focus.

Let us know if you have any questions. Otherwise, see you there.

PS - The above list is not exhaustive. For a complete list of Microsoft CRM 4.0 Launch dates and locations, click here.

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