Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New From c360 | BI Analytics for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I sat in on a totally killer demo today of c360's new BI Analytics toolset. This is a really neat tool which provides the capability (via cubes) to create Dashboards and KPIs within 10-15 minutes. Seriously. The only thing you need to be running in addtion to the regular system requirements for Microsoft CRM is SQL Server Analysis Services (i.e., SQL 2005 SP 2). I've included a couple of screenshots below. More information can be found at c360's website.

Screenshot 1 - Creating A New Cube:

Screenshot 2 - A Finished Dashboard:

What are you waiting for?!? Check with Navint for pricing details.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Microsoft CRM 4.0 (Titan) Features Overview

Microsoft CRM 4.0 is almost here!

Yes, version 3.0 is great but Microsoft CRM 4.0 (code named Titan) rocks. Microsoft finally lifted the NDA restrictions on October 1st so we can finally share with you what we can all look forward to in version 4.0.

If you were lucky enough to attend any of Navint's client summits in New England or New York, then you already saw and heard a bunch of what follows. If not then here's the top ten Titan features list that Mike Cross, Kris Kratky and I put together for Navint's recent client summits.

Note: There's one more Navint client summit scheduled on October 25th in LA for our West Coast clients.

Anyway, here's the the Microsoft CRM 4.0 top ten list. Let us know if you have any questions or if you want to see a demo of the new version.

(Disclaimer: What you are about to see is subject to change prior to Microsoft CRM 4.0's release at the end of this year.)

Navint's /Microsoft CRM 4.0 Top Ten

1) User Interface and Office Integration

- Office 2007 UI
- All CRM Activity Types Integrated with Outlook (get pop-up reminders for phone calls, etc.)
- Background Synch (no more manual synching)
- Word Mail Merge (for the web client too)
- Export to Excel (now includes access to EVERY object schema in Microsoft CRM)
- OneNote Integration
- Presence Management (with integration to Live Communication Server)
- Dynamics (GP, SL, NAV, AX) Integration

2) Architecture

- Multi-Tenant Architecture (CRM Live, Cheaper intra-enterprise deployments)
- Support For Internet Facing Deployment (no VPN needed!)

3) Internationalization

- Multi-Language (user-defined language specific UI)
- Multi-Region
- Multi-Currency (exchange rates are stored within the database)

4) Data Analysis

- Improved Advanced Find (now includes access to EVERY object schema in Microsoft CRM)
- Export to Excel (ODBC live/dynamic link)

5) Workflow and Reporting

- Workflow Manager (web client, added triggers, all entities support stages, Win WF based)
- Report Scheduling Utility
- SRS Report Wizard (create an SRS report in 7 clicks!)
6) Data Integrity and Enhancements

- Data Enrichment (Export CRM data to excel > Update it > Import it to update CRM records)
- Configurable Duplicate Detection (includes cross-enterprise notifications)

7) Data Import and Migration

- Data Import Wizard (supports import of data into ANY entity)
- Asychronous Processing (improve the speed of importing data)

8) Entity Relationships

- Many to Many
- System to System
- Self Referential
(Do you have any idea what this means?! Woo-hoo is all I can say!)

9) Developer Treats

- Server Side SDK
- Offline SDK (improve online/offline consistency)
- Offline APIs (improve online/offline consistency)
- Plug-ins (replace call outs)

10) Resource Center

- New Menu Item
- Find and Share Best Practices
- Access Online Help
- Submit Support Requests (from within the application)

With over 100 new features in Microsoft CRM 4.0, this top ten list barely scratches the surface. Future posts will get into much greater detail. We promise.
Please email us or give us a call if you want to see a Microsoft CRM 4.0 demo.
Also, Microsoft has promised Navint that upgrades to 4.0 are going to be smooth and seamless. More on that subject in future posts. Stay tuned.