Monday, December 17, 2007

Give $10,000... For What Is Already Yours!

While commonly known that charges its customers for their data - you will cry when you hear this...

This morning I was talking to one of Navint's new Microsoft CRM customers. They are in the process of terminating their relationship with

It turns out that their contract with requires them to pay $10,000.00 for a full cut of their data. The only thing they can get for free is a flat file of Account and Contact data.

IMPORTANT NOTE: With the introduction of Microsoft's customer relationship management SaaS offering (CRM Live), when you decide to "switch" you're NOT going to get charged for data that is rightfully yours.

And for those of you...

1) Responsible for doing vendor comparisons - please add this to your list of items to consider when calculating TCO.

2) Responsible for negotiating contractual relationships with CRM vendors - make sure to draw attention to such clauses so that you don't have to end up paying for what is yours.

PS - Maybe this is why
Marc Benioff is so defensive regarding CRM Live.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Microsoft CRM 4.0 Ships!

As reported by Micheal Lu and Ben Vollmer from Microsoft, it looks like Microsoft CRM 4.0 (Titan) has shipped!

Stay tuned for more details!

In the mean time, if you would like a preview of Microsoft CRM 4.0, please feel free to contact us.

We'll be happy to demo the new version for you!